Release Date: 6/24/22
Modified Date: 12/15/23
The Connection Broker manages all users that log in using a Leostream client, such as the Leostream Web clients, Leostream Connect, PCoIP clients, or any thin client that communicates with Leostream. In some cases, however, users may connect to a desktop using a display protocol client without first logging into a Leostream client.
In order to manage these sessions, Administrators should look to leverage the Rogue User Assignments section of a Policy. In the below example, we will demonstrate how to sign rogue users out from the desktop automatically.
- Create a Rogue User Release Plan (Configuration > Release Plans)
The "Release to pool" option under "When Desktop is First Assigned" will automatically release the desktop after 1 minute of it being assigned to the Rogue User. The "Suspend logout and display warning message to user" setting suspends the immediate logout after desktop release to display a message for 1 minute notifying the user to login to Leostream to request a new connection.
- Next, we want to select a policy or create a new policy with this Release Plan in the "Rogue User Assignments" section:
- Finally, we want to assign this policy to Rogue Users in Setup > Centers. This requires that the desktops being imported from the Center have a running Leostream Agent.
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