Making sure that users are being offered the correct desktops with the correct protocol plan, release plan, and power control plan is crucial in delivering the best VDI experience to your end users. The Test Login functionality of the Leostream Connection Broker can help administrators troubleshoot issues surrounding desktop assignment and plan associations. Below you will find steps on how to produce a test login, how to read the test login output, and a video tutorial breaking down the test login functionality.
NOTE: The Test Login only works with local and AD/LDAP Users
How to Produce a Test Login
- First, sign into the Administrative Interface of the Connection Broker
- Navigate to Resources > Users and find the user in question
- Select the "Test login" hyperlink on the User record
- The next page will automatically have all the Test Login forum filled out with the last client that the user connected to Leostream with - just press "Run Test"
How to Read the Test Login
Below is a breakdown of the different sections of the Test Login. Administrators should focus on which policy is being assigned, which pool of desktops need to be offered, whether the desktops are being offered regardless of the Leostream Agent status, and which plans are associated with this pool (Protocol, Release, and Power Control)
Video Tutorial
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