Many tasks in the Connection Broker become scheduled jobs in the Connection Broker’s job queue. These tasks include system wide functions such as checking the Connection Broker health, scanning Centers for desktop inventory, recording pool statistics, and deleting obsolete records. It also includes desktop management functions such as checking if a user logged in, checking if they logged out, taking action on idle time or rebooting a desktop.
You can view scheduled tasks on the Connection Broker’s System > Job Queue page. You may be alarmed to see more than a few jobs in the job queue with the ‘Pending’ status. Usually there is no cause to worry. Here’s what you can do to make sure everything is ok
- Go to the System > Job Queue page
- Filter the Job Status=Pending
- Review Scheduled time, is it in the future?
The system is running as expected if the Scheduled time is in the future. Scheduled times in green are approaching their scheduled start time. Jobs that have Start and Finished times are recurring jobs that have run once or more and are rescheduled to a future time.
Scheduled times in the past are highlighted in red. You should check the Connection Broker server if you have scheduled times in the past
- Log into the Connection Broker server
- Type 'su - leo' at the command prompt to switch to the leo user
- Select Power from the Main Menu
- Select Status from the Power Menu
- Select Continue
If the Work queue is not running
- Select Components from the Power Menu
- Select Work Queue from the Component Power Menu
- Select Restart
Additional information can be found in the Leostream Job Queue Explained KB and our Administrator's Guide on Page 298.
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