Desktop Matching Logic Explained

Modified on Thu, 13 Apr, 2023 at 3:20 PM

Desktops can be imported into Leostream primarily in two ways. The first way is by installing the Leostream Agent and configuring it to communicate with your Connection Broker (recognized as the "Uncategorized Desktops" Center). The second way is by importing the desktop through a Center integration.

There should only be one "Available" desktop record in Resources > Desktop for each unique machine imported into Leostream. Other records of the same unique desktop should be marked as duplicates. The "Available" desktop record will contain information merged from the duplicate records. The duplicate records don't count against your license and can be safely removed. Priority is listed in reverse order below:

3.) Uncategorized/Enrolled Desktop 

2.) Active Directory Center Desktop
1.) Other Center Desktop (ex: VMWare, AWS, OpenStack, Azure, etc.)

To understand how we maintain the integrity of desktop records, you must understand the logic the Connection Broker uses to match desktops:

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