Performing a Local Installation

Modified on Fri, 3 Mar, 2023 at 3:36 PM

If the Connection Broker machine does not have internet access, you can download the Connection Broker file from another machine, copy it to your Connection Broker machine, and manually install the file. After a local installation you cannot perform automatic updates until you attach to a Leostream repository using the Switch the repository option on the > System > Maintenance page.

You can download the Connection Broker installation file from the following page.

The Leostream package attempts to install all dependencies prior to installing the Connection Broker. In order for the Leostream package to install other dependencies, ensure that the machine has access to a local Linux repository or the internet.

Version 202x:

If dnf is installed on your Connection Broker machine, you can run the following command to list the current Connection Broker dependencies.

dnf deplist <rpm_file_path>

The deplist command returns version information for each component. Alternatively, you can run the following command for a flat list of packages.

rpm -q --requires <rpm_file_path>

After building your base operating system and applying all updates, copy the downloaded Connection Broker RPM into your user’s home directory. You can then use the following two commands to install or upgrade your Connection Broker.

sudo dnf install -y <rpm_file_path>
sudo reboot now

Where <rpm_file_path> is the file path of the RPM file you copied onto the machine.

Version 9:

If the yum-utils package is installed on your Connection Broker machine, you can run the following command to list the current Connection Broker dependencies.

yum deplist <rpm_file_path>

The deplist command returns version information for each component. Alternatively, you can run the following command for a flat list of packages.

rpm -q --requires <rpm_file_path>

After building your base operating system and applying all updates, copy the downloaded Connection Broker RPM into your user’s home directory. You can then use the following two commands to install or upgrade your Connection Broker.

sudo yum -y localinstall <rpm_file_path>
sudo reboot now

Where <rpm_file_path> is the file path of the RPM file you copied onto the machine.

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